Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Class acts: What themes similar to the first movie are present in the second film?

   After watching the Godfather part 1, and discussing different themes. I have now been able to notice many different themes and literary features in the second movie as well. In the Godfather the symbols of doors, and the themes of males superior to women as well as separation between the mafia life and normal life is hard to decipher although after going on an in depth look for these themes, symbols and motifs in the first movie made it a lot easier to find these techniques in the second movie.

   The first theme that was very much present was the startling transitions from darkness and quiet within the mafia, to cheerful, bright and welcoming scenes outside of the mafia life. This showed the difference between the private and public worlds. Francis Ford Coppola constantly shot many scenes with shooting and jaw dropping scenes. As soon as something major happened the scene would quickly change to a more civilized and calmer environment outside the mafia, or to a more exciting party like scene. From these transitions I believe that Coppola wanted the audience to see that sense of disconnection between the mafia life and normal life.

  Another theme that was present throughout the second movie as much as the first was the reoccurring symbol of doors.This relates to my last point about the transitions from the mafia life to normal lives. One of the most prominent recurring themes in the series is the dichotomy between the Godfather’s business and family life. Throughout the second film we see the new Godfather's aforementioned darkened office, the divide between the interior and exterior lives of Don Corleone is established both through the symbol of the closed door, as well as windows and glass. This symbol not only showed the disconnection between the characters but also made the audience feel that disconnection. This was symbolized through the visual motif of a door or window blocking people out, usually the women in the family, who are not allowed to know of the illegal affairs that go on behind closed doors.

   Males were superior to women in the first movie, and from what I have seen from the second movie that is still a frequent theme. Almost every time a door was shut, it was shut on a women. I think that Francis Ford Coppola chose to have the door shut on women instead of men because this represents how the men are superior to women. Just like the last movie Michael had to keep a lot of information from Kay and from the looks of it that is still present in the second film. These are only some of many themes and symbols that Francis Ford Coppola wanted to convey in the second film.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Class Act: The Human condition

   During today’s class we had a very in depth conversation about the Human Condition. What it is, how it is used in the godfather, and thoroughly discussed how our lives link towards the movie itself. The definition for the Human Condition is how we encompass the experiences of being human in a social, cultural, and personal context. There are many different definitions for the Human Condition although this example seems appropriate for the way it is used in literature and mainly the Godfather.

    All humans have commonalities such as food, water, shelter etc. Although Coppola seemed to be interested in the idea that all humans are the same in the way that we all have wants such as power, respect and wealth. This is most evident in the Godfather as the members of the mafia are faced with these necessities. Another aspect of the human condition is how we live our lives and how we deal with the bad. We know that the human condition is very much present in the Godfather because we see the characters progress and change as a person from the beginning of the story all the way until the end. This makes us think about our own lives which makes us relate. This is why most people like reading stories that have a hero in them such as Harry Potter, Star Wars and in this case the Godfather because we get to know and live the life of someone just like use struggling through life, in order to get what they want. In Harry Potter, Harry has to defeat Lord Voldermolt. In Star wars Luke Skywalker has to defeat Darth Vader. Although the Godfather is a little different in the way that in order for us to follow the hero’s journey we encounter lots of scenes with death from the mafia. Coppola does a great job of showing the mafia as both good and evil. This confused the audience and makes us think whether we believe this crime is right or wrong. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Class acts: Predictions

    In today's class we discussed different predictions of how the movie could end. These predictions came both from what we already know from what we have seen, and the use of Campbells Hero's journey. Some predictions that frequently came up in discussion were Michaels role in the movie and how he has changed as a character. In the beginning of the movie Michaels describing to Kay about the family business. What's he got to do with it? Nothing. That's what he says and its true. Michael left his family and went of to war. He broke tradition and has a girlfriend that is not italian. Although we know that throughout the coarse of the movie he has changed as a person because when he visits his father in the hospital he takes charge and pretends that he is not panicking but shows how much he cares for his father and wants to make sure he is alright. He makes sure that he doesn't leave sight of his father and insisted that he moves him to another room. Once alone with his father he says to the don quietly "I'm here pop. I'll take care of you now. I'm with you now, I'm with you."  He takes the Don's hand and kisses it. The Don begins to cry. This is a very powerful quote, and changes the way we think of Michael now. When Michael kisses Don's hand this might represent his loyalty, because we soon get the sense that Michael is now on his fathers side, As the movie continues and he gets closer and closer to his family and more involved in the mafia world. It seems as if he wants to take over his fathers role of being the Godfather.
    This brings me to my next point of discussion which is about the power struggle between Michael and Tom Hagan. From the beginning of the book Michael didn’t seem to be that interested in the mafia world compared to Tom Hagan, who has been there longer and has been a major vital role. In all likelihood Tom probably though he would be the next Don. Although from what we have just recently seen we have a sense that Michael is more interested. Since Michael is the real Son of Vito he would be the next one to take of the role of the godfather. This might create some conflict between the characters in the rest of the movie. 

   The last prediction I have is that Kay adams will turn into one of the main characters. Kay hasn’t had much showing in the movie and I believe that later on she will take a vital role throughout the remainder of the movie. Kay has been portrayed as the scarlet women and  I think that Kay will take advantage of Michael and his family and hurt them in some way or another. I think that the Archetype of ‘star crossed lovers’ meets the representation of Kay and Michael, and will someone show up later on in the film. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motif of oranges.

The color orange as well as oranges were brought up many times throughout the scenes we have watched. Some say that orange symbolizes death, but what is with the oranges? Every single scene of death there has been a showing of either oranges or the color. Last class we discussed the importance of the reoccurring oranges. Yet we haven't quite put our finger on it. We know that when just previously before Don Vito got shot he was purchasing a couple oranges. Coincidentally right after another death scene occurred. I am sure this is not a coincidence because this is not the only death scene that oranges have been spotted. When Luca Brasi entered the bar to get information out of Virgil the walls and ground have orange detail. If you were aware of all the other scenes with the reoccurring oranges then one would assume there would be some sort of death or near death experience. As we can tell from this example it is not only the fruit orange that repeatedly appears it is the color. Characters frequently wear orange clothing. Once we get further into the movie we can understand more about this motif, and find many more circumstances with the use of oranges.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Motifs: Doors

The motif of doors was brought up throughout the movie multiple times. This helped the audience understand different ideas and themes. Doors symbolized divergent directions. As we discussed in class we came up with the conclusion that doors symbolized many different meanings such as transitions, exits, entrances, beginnings, possibilities and tentative relationships.

Transitions were used to show the difference between the mafia world and the normal life going on behind it. ( The door being that separation.) Throughout the movie many men entered The godfathers domain. For example at the beginning of the movie during Connies wedding reception Don Vito Corlene hears request for favours from Johnny Fontane a singer. Asking for help in his upcoming movie role that will revitalize his career. This scene shows the transition from the cherry wedding ceremony going on just outside of Dons office. All of the mafia work is done inside whilst everyone is outside. This shows the separation of the double world. 

Doors also symbolized a tetative relationship between the client and a Corleone. Once someone walks into the room and the door is shut it shows that suspense and how the mood is drastically changed. The door is what is keeping the outside world separate from this other mafia world.